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The Future of Revenue Enablement

Future-proof your business with the emerging trends and technologies in revenue enablement.

Revenue enablement has been dubbed the “future of sales enablement” by Forrester. Already forward-thinking in its approach, revenue enablement brings together the entire customer journey to better enable all teams in customer-facing roles.

But as time goes on, the way revenue enablement is implemented will change. Being an early adopter of this strategy will no longer be enough, and it will come down to which businesses have embraced the latest technologies to make revenue enablement a success.

In this post, we’ll discuss the future of revenue enablement, including emerging trends, how we expect it to develop, and the next steps for your organization.

Find more info on the basics, read our introductory guide on revenue enablement and the difference between revenue and sales enablement.

Emerging trends in revenue enablement

With revenue enablement still relatively new on the scene, even the most forward-thinking organizations will still be in the early stages of adopting a revenue enablement strategy. This includes understanding the customer journey, collaborating across departments and working towards shared revenue targets.

The next, critical step is introducing technology that helps you achieve those goals. As more businesses embrace revenue enablement, technology will become essential to stay ahead of the competition.

The right tools can improve efficiency when collaborating across different departments, providing a single source of truth and centralizing enablement support. It’s also important that you choose scalable technology that can expand with your business as revenue grows.

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Filling in the gaps

With revenue enablement strategies taking shape, another key trend will be building on the system you have in place. As well as technology, this extends to people and processes. Gartner explains how businesses should identify gaps in their current state and chart a path to the desired future state.

As a result, certain job roles may become more in-demand. While many organizations have focused on sales as the key to revenue, there are many other touchpoints on the customer journey where specialist employees can add value. These include brand awareness teams, contact center staff and customer retention experts. Not to mention dedicated revenue enablement teams who oversee the entire process, from implementation to continual optimization.

Predictions for the evolution of revenue enablement

Artificial intelligence is being used to optimize a wide range of processes for businesses. Rather than replacing humans as is often claimed, it can automate basic tasks and ultimately improve productivity to help your teams succeed. This applies to revenue enablement too.

Already, AI can be used to analyze the performance of enablement programs, including metrics such as win rates, lead generation and customer satisfaction.

We also expect it to shape how brands personalize the experience for both their customers and employees. AI could assess weak spots in the customer journey, for example. Equally, it can help align training to the specific needs, strengths and weaknesses of different team members.

Forrester identifies several other ways in which AI can be used for revenue enablement teams:

  • Offloading email writing
  • Improving privacy and security
  • Critiquing sales pitches
  • Forecasting which deals will close in a given timeframe

However, these won’t necessarily come as standalone tools.

What you’re more likely to see is AI being integrated into revenue enablement platforms. “All of the [revenue enablement automation] providers offer not just AI, but genAI components,” explains Peter Ostrow, Principal Analyst at Forrester. “The great news is you’re already paying for it.”

Find out how to maximize sales and success with the Revenue Enablement way >

Preparing for the future: next steps for organizations

Organizations that prioritize revenue enablement are 80% more likely to exceed their revenue growth targets. In short, it’s time to embrace revenue enablement.

The first step is to move away from a sales-only focus. Homing in on product launches and sales-specific software can limit your progress. Instead, focus on the customer and all of their interactions with your brand.

Organizations should aim to move away from silos and take a holistic approach to revenue enablement. Finding a platform that facilitates this is critical.

With POP you get more than a sales enablement platform. We allow you to cover all touchpoints in the customer journey with one, consistent experience. Whether it’s a self-service touchscreen, immersive experiences for marketing or engaging sales presentations, POP can make it happen.

You have complete control over all the content in each experience, which can be personalized to specific customers and their pain points. Crucially, every single interaction can be tracked with full analytics, so you know what resonates with your customers and the different journeys they’re taking.

To get better acquainted with our revenue enablement platform, we’d recommend booking a demo. You can also watch our video for an introduction or contact us with any questions you have. Call +44 (0)117 329 1712 or email

Holly Worthington
Co-Founder and Customer Success Lead
If you’ve got an idea and want to chat it through then just get in touch. Or give us a call 🤙 on 0117 329 1712.
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